
Kerry is a phony

Put aside plans, rhetoric, and what he did or didn't do (or did and didn't do!) over the last 35 years, it's still blindingly obvious that Kerry is a phony in the Holden Caulfield sense. Nothing makes that more clear than his transparently pandering claims to be a Boston Red Sox fan. Last night, during his midnight rally "wake-up call", he warmed up the crowd by telling them how great it was that the Sox were 2 1/2 games behind the Yankees. If the junior senator from Massachusetts had actually glanced at the box scores, he'd have seen that the Yankees (damn them) had soundly beaten the Indians 9-1, leaving the Red Sox still 3 1/2 games back, despite their sweep of the Wild Card competition Angels.

If this were the only instance, it would not bother me. Politicians like to talk up the home town team. But this is the same John Kerry whose favorite player on the current Red Sox squad is Manny Ortez... or is it David Ortez? The same John Kerry who couldn't take a position on what cap Roger Clemens should wear into the Hall of Fame or getting rid of the designated hitter rule when he was interviewed during a Sox game during the DNC. Real Red Sox fans are nothing if not opinionated. I don't care what you think, but ye gods man, come down for something.

I won't talk too much about how he throws a baseball. If this election were decided on pitching, it wouldn't be a contest.

After watching last night's moving, visionary speech by President Bush, and Kerry's petty response, I'm not sure it'll be a contest for much longer, anyways.

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