
The new guru

George Lakoff is a clown:
"'They found that choice wasn't playing very well,' says Lakoff, who's become an unofficial guru to beleaguered Democrats. He told the groups it was no wonder: 'choice' came from a 'consumerist' vocabulary, while 'life' came from a moral one. In one of his more controversial suggestions, he advised the activists to reclaim the 'life' issue by blaming Republicans for high U.S. infant-mortality rates and mercury pollution that can cause birth defects. 'Basically what I'm saying is that conservatives are killing babies,' he says."

After all the whining those on the left do about George Bush "dividing America", they make this guy's book a bestseller. He certainly seems interested in civil debate, doesn't he?

Oh well. I hope they keep listening to him instead of finding leaders who call this kind of talk absurd. Then they'll keep losing elections, and I'll keep getting cheaper goods through free trade, a growing economy through lower tax rates and less regulation, and a foreign policy driven by American ideals.

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